Women's Wellness

Cryotherapy on cervix: Side effects, aftercare, and more

The side effects of cryotherapy on the cervix include pain, discharge, and risk of infection.

Cryotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses sub-zero temperatures to treat various medical and cosmetic conditions. Healthcare professionals typically use liquid nitrogen or other freezing agents to reach extremely low temperatures to target and remove abnormal skin lesions. When applied to the cervix, cryotherapy helps treat precancerous lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).

Chemotherapy and infertility: What to know

Certain chemotherapy regimens can lead to temporary or permanent infertility. Chemotherapy is a cornerstone of cancer treatment, renowned for its ability to eliminate cancer cells. However, the potent drugs involved in chemotherapy do not discriminate between cancerous cells and other rapidly dividing cells in the body, including those in the ovaries and testes. As a result, chemotherapy can significantly affect fertility and may lead to temporary or permanent infertility.

Positive rubella IgG during pregnancy: What it means

A positive rubella IgG test indicates immunity to rubella, meaning that the pregnant person and the fetus cannot contract this virus. If a person contracts rubella, also known as German measles, during pregnancy, it can have severe consequences for the unborn child. The primary concern is congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), which can lead to a wide range of serious developmental issues in the fetus. Rubella infection during pregnancy also increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Preeclampsia blood pressure range: Explanation and other symptoms

Preeclampsia blood pressure range involves a systolic reading of at least 140 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or a diastolic reading of at least 90 mm Hg. A person must manifest this on two occasions that are a minimum of 4 hours apart. In early preeclampsia, people may not show symptoms, or they may have symptoms that are common in pregnancy, such as swollen feet. This article discusses what constitutes a preeclampsia blood pressure range and what the numbers mean.

How do you contract HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) spreads through skin-to-skin contact. People with the infection can transmit the virus during sexual activities, but they can also spread it during regular contact with skin carrying the infection. HPV is a widespread viral infection with over. Most are harmless, but some forms of HPV cause growths or warts on the skin and mucous membranes. Certain high-risk strains of HPV are responsible for many cervical cancer cases.

Preeclampsia vs. eclampsia: Symptoms, warning signs & more

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are high blood pressure disorders that occur during pregnancy. They can affect the fetus and pregnant person and require urgent diagnosis and treatment. Individuals with preeclampsia often have protein in their urine and may have swelling of the limbs or face. When preeclampsia becomes severe, it can lead to eclampsia. When a person has eclampsia, they may experience seizures and have an increased risk of stroke during pregnancy and after delivery.

HRT and ovarian cancer: What are the risks of estrogen?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a standard approach to menopause symptom management. However, some people have concerns about a potential link between HRT and ovarian cancer. While HRT can provide significant relief from menopause symptoms, it also has some risks. suggest an association between HRT and ovarian cancer. However, not all research supports this finding, and many factors can influence ovarian cancer risk.

Atypical anorexia: What it is, symptoms, treatment, and more

Atypical anorexia nervosa (AAN) is a condition where a person has the typical signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa. However, their weight remains within or above the medically defined healthy range. As individuals with AAN are not within the underweight range, doctors may not immediately detect the condition, posing significant challenges for diagnosis and treatment. However, people with AAN demand the same degree of support and therapy as those with more conventional presentations. They are s

Anti-wrinkle Injections: How Can It Go Wrong?

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process. Over time, skin becomes thin and less elastic, and smiling, frowning, and laughing lead to the formation of lines and creases in the skin. While some people embrace these changes as a natural part of growing older, others may feel self-conscious and look for ways to reduce them. People may use creams, serums, or other topical treatments to try and reduce wrinkles, but these products may not achieve the desired results. For many, injectable treatments are a more effective option.

Anorexia treatment: Therapy, residential care, hospitalization, & more

Treatment for anorexia needs to address both the physiological and psychological complications of the disease. It may include nutritional support, therapy, medication, and more. Anorexia nervosa is a severe eating disorder that doctors characterize with a distorted body image and an extreme fear of weight gain. Individuals with anorexia restrict their food intake significantly, which can lead to a range of potentially life threatening complications. A healthcare professional will recommend treat

Crohn's disease and menstrual cycles: The link and irregular periods

During a person’s menstrual cycle, they may experience different Crohn’s disease symptoms. Crohn’s disease may also affect the regularity and severity of periods. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect various aspects of an individual’s life. Although it primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue, it also has other wide-reaching effects. People with Crohn’s disease who menstruate may find

How to Use a Breast Pump: Steps, Types of Pumps, and Cleaning

Breast pumping is a game-changer! This revolutionary tool empowers parents on the go, enabling them to share the joy of feeding and ensuring a steady milk supply for every adventure life throws your way. Whether you’re a working parent, a travel-savvy adventurer, or a warrior juggling multiple responsibilities, breast pumping is a game-changer. It involves using a mechanical device, either manual or electric, to express breast milk for feeding a baby at a later time or for other purposes like ma

Postpartum depression vs. psychosis

Postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis are two distinct but potentially severe mental health conditions that can affect people after childbirth. Although both can occur in the postpartum period, they have distinct features and require different approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Postpartum depression can cause persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Postpartum psychosis is a rare, severe condition involving hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior. This a

Pregnancy and cystic fibrosis: Infertility, healthy pregnancy tips

Although some people with cystic fibrosis have difficulty getting pregnant, it is still possible to conceive. They are also at a higher risk of complications, including gestational diabetes and low infant birth weight. Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects both male and female fertility. While some people are able to get pregnant naturally, others need to use fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Having CF presents unique challenges and can impact both a birthing parent’s and an inf

Infertility in cystic fibrosis: In males, females, fertility treatment

Infertility can affect all individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF). While some people with CF have difficulty conceiving naturally, fertility treatments and assistive reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), can help. Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more. Males with CF can have anatomic changes relating to the condition in the reproductive tract. As a result,

Type 2 diabetes and pregnancy: What to know

There are potential issues for the birth parent and fetus if an individual has type 2 diabetes. These issues include an increased risk of eye and kidney problems and preeclampsia. Therefore, people with type 2 diabetes must work closely with their healthcare team throughout pregnancy. Specialists can help someone have a healthy pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition where the body cannot respond to insulin properly. Because insulin is a hormone that plays a major role in regula

Causes of borderline personality disorder in females

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition that causes symptoms, such as emotional instability, impulsive behavior, and relationship difficulties. Women tend to receive a diagnosis more often than men, with potential causes including a genetic predisposition and past traumatic experiences. Some research suggests that the disorder affects females nearly more often than males, though other studies have found a minimal difference. While the exact causes of BPD in fem

Endometriosis vs. IBS: Differences, similarities, and more

Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are conditions that may cause similar symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating. Because endometriosis is hard to diagnose, doctors sometimes misdiagnose it as IBS. Despite their similar symptoms, endometriosis and IBS are distinctly different conditions with different causes. In endometriosis, tissue similar to the uterine lining grows elsewhere in the body. This can cause severe pain as well as bleeding between periods. Conversely, IBS is a diso

Cannabinoids and Psychedelic Therapy for Treating Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of women worldwide. Although it can occur at any age, it typically affects middle-aged or older women. Only a small percentage of women are diagnosed with breast cancer before age 45.

This form of cancer accounts for 1 in 3 of all new female cancers annually, with almost 45,000 women dying each year of the disease in the United States and 700,000 worldwide.

Because of its high incidence and potentially catastrophic consequences, much
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